Friday, November 20, 2009


The semester is almost over and I can't believe it. Where is my senior stuff at? Why isn't it here yet? I want to start setting up everything for my graduation and party!!!
I'm already stressed out about what I'm going to do after I graduate. I'm at such a comfortable place here and I don't want to go sometimes. Ugh.
Help me, Lord!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Musician's Dream

A musician's dream is magic with beating bass in the air. Cymbals crashing startled him with a soothing melody beginning. The dancers then arrived twirling beautifully in the light fall breeze. Everything, to her, was in perfect harmony as the fireflies flew in and the sun went down. The music kept growing abundantly all around. She noticed that she was getting cold when she saw more people beginning to arrive. Her family, friends, and even people she'd never seen were there dancing like you'd never seen. Just imagine the intensity and serenity of it all, such a feeling had to be completely electrifying. Somewhere in this reality, something was humming...however it wasn't annoying it was just serene. Small sweet riffs were being played on some unseen guitar then more musician's came in and offered her to play. No one had their instruments though so what were they to do? On the other hand, she hadn't actually seen an instrument throughout the whole night. She played the Piccolo and just imagined the sound.
Finally, the beginning measures of her favorite song played ever so quietly. Letting go of all her inhibitions, she thought louder and louder until she were singing. She had the most beautiful voice anyone had ever heard, and even though she had never sang in public before this moment she let herself feel the music more than ever and danced so blindingly beautifully that I began to cry. Under her skin goose bumps slowly formed, but she ignored them, for she felt confident. It seemed as if velvet had just fallen upon her skin and now she felt beautiful and we knew she was. Wonderful was this feeling, she had never felt anything like this before. When the xylophones joined in we all knew the fun had begun. You'd never believe this, but I have seen it for myself. Then zero gravity hit us all, as she awoke. The party may have ended but she now has a new kind of unforeseen confidence.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Japanese Poetry

Then it just hit me
And it knocked me to the ground
Defences still down

Light shines so brightly
Through my darkest dreams of night
Life has just begun

All you need is love
Hate is imaginary
Why can't they all see
This isn't how we should be
Smile, for you're given life

Some can end in Hell
When just seemingly Heaven
But this one should last
Happiness surrounding me
Did I find my "Meant to Be?"

His are so bright blue
His innocence showing through
When I look at him
I just know he's being true
His eyes don't lie about love

Can you not see me?
My darkness abounding now
Could this be the end,
Or is it just my nightmare?
Weren't you laying here?
I can't seem to find you now
I think I hear you
Maybe I am paralyzed
Feeling coming back
I am pushing through to find you
Then I awoke to your eyes

I'm not what you think
You should know that I cry too
Wish you would see me
The inside is dark and cold
Is my smile warm?
It feels like I'm a statue
Am I invisible?
Or am I white noise to you?
You will see me now
My noise forms words and actions
Eternity starts today

Japanese poetry came very easy to me. It enabled me to really throw my feelings out without giving too much away which I adore.


I am a performer with a quirky attitude.
I wonder where I go from here.
I hear the laughing of wood nymphs in the autumn breeze.
I see their long red hair flowing in the air.
I want to be better.
I am a performer with a quirky attitude.

I pretend that I feel fine.
I feel joy for the everlasting life of the faeries.
I touch the scales of mermaids as they swim past.
I worry that I won't succeed.
I cry for her thinking I was angry.
I am a performer with a quirky attitude.

I understand that we all must go.
I say that no one will talk me down.
I dream that we'll have a better life.
I try to keep going.
I hope there's a better place.
I am a performer with a quirky attitude.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dance Magic Dance

If it worked this is a video of David Bowie from the Labyrinth. It's probably the most incredible discovery I've ever made.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Got a brand new blog! It's looking pretty good if you ask me.
Something else that's new in my life would be a car! That's right, I'm getting a new car, and I had better get it tomorrow. Well, my minions are calling, later taters!!!