Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Why do we only think to write our feelings when we're hurt?
Are we too scared to share them? Are we ashamed of them so we put them here where only a few will see? Is it the pain that someone else would feel?
Maybe for you this isn't the case...or if it is...none of these reasons apply. I'm currently in a mediocre state of mind. I'm physically hurt although I'm not sure why. Hospital visit early in the morning. Maybe I'll get something to eat for my man before I go because after that I'm going to get my tattoo finished.
Don't go to the mall alone if you're barely seen when you're in a group. You realize just how invisible you are...and it WILL get to you.

One of my friends thought that I was going to be ditching her the other day. I've done it here and there and to those of you who I've done it to I apologize. It had never happened to me more than when I moved into this apartment.

I want to love my life. I'd just have to have security before doing that....

Friday, February 18, 2011

Screw it.

If you want to hate me then do it
Don't beat around the bush
Don't act too nice
Just hate me already

I wish I could just scream that out to a certain someone and I really wish that person would see this. I can't say it out loud. I'm not here to be treated like SHIT on the bottom of your shoes. I'm human, too. You've made your errors and I've made mine.
Fuck being friends forever. I'm done with pretending.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

say something....

the silence is killing me
i don't believe in awkward
but there is no other word

i could apologize
but i wouldn't be sure what to say
the silence remains

petty conversation
less than ten minutes ago
the silence returned as quickly as it arrived

help me out here
Say Something.


In most cases....I would delete everything that came before this here blog.
I, however, have decided that it's all me. I'm still that girl. Why not leave it? So I am...
A friend of mine is blogging now and it has inspired me to start again. So here's to an entirely different view of this girl, after life really hit her.